The All Star Pain Management & Regenerative Medicine Blog

Identifying Fibromyalgia Symptoms and Treatment

Fibromyalgia is a nerve condition that causes widespread pain throughout the body. It is not diagnosed through diagnostic testing. The identification is made by located tender points at various locations of the body and testing to rule out other illnesses. There are 3...

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Going Through Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS) is chronic soft tissue or muscle pain. It is felt deep within the muscle fibers and fascia and has trigger points in the muscles that are very painful when touched. Often pain can be felt at another location apart from the original site....

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Radiculopathy Facts and Treatment

Radiculopathy is when one or more nerves do not work properly as a result of certain medical conditions where the nerve becomes pinched. Injury results at the root of the nerve (where it exits from the spinal cord). The pain often radiates to a part of the body...

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Fight Pain with Radiofrequency Ablation

Radiofrequency ablation RFA)  is a minimally invasive procedure used to destroy abnormal or damaged tissue. The abnormal tissue is destroyed using heat (radiofrequency), extreme cold (cryoablation), chemical or laser. Radiofrequency-ablation uses heat to damage the...

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The Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Sufferers

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) is a pain syndrome that affects any part of the body, most frequently it affects the extremities causing pain in the hands, feet, arms, legs, and knees. It is a source of severe pain and suffering for those with RSD. It is among 100...

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The Spondylolithesis Condition Symptoms and Causes

Spondylolisthesis is when a vertebra in the spine slips out of place, either forward or back. The nerves become pinched causing pain. It is most common in the lumbar spine but can occur in the thoracic and cervical spine as well. This can also be caused if there is a...

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The Importance of Stem Cell Therapy Today

Stem Cell Therapy had become a mode of treatment for athletic injuries and is also used as a means to enhance beauty. The therapy involves collecting blood and processing it in a centrifuge. The plasma concentrate of growth factors and healing agents that separates...

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Lumbar Provocative Discography

Lumbar provocative discography is an invasive diagnostic procedure for evaluation of diseases involving the intervertebral disc. It is performed in patients with persistent, severe low back pain. These patients have been found to have abnormal intervertebral spaces...

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