Sep 24, 2018 | Back Pain, Joint Injections, Pain Management
Radiofrequency ablation RFA) is a minimally invasive procedure used to destroy abnormal or damaged tissue. The abnormal tissue is destroyed using heat (radiofrequency), extreme cold (cryoablation), chemical or laser. Radiofrequency-ablation uses heat to damage the...
Aug 9, 2018 | Pain Management, Physical Therapy, Regenerative Medicine
Treating and relieving pain is complicated. Treatment results vary from person to person. One revolutionary addition to pain treatment provided at All Star Pain Management is radiofrequency ablation (RFA). Radiofrequency is another name for radio waves, which are...
Jul 12, 2018 | Pain Management
A medial branch radiofrequency neurotomy is a procedure performed on patients who are suffering from pain caused by inflammation of certain joints of the spine. When the joints are inflamed, the soft tissue of these structures swells up which compresses the nerves...