It happens to everyone at some point or other. Abdominal pains can occur without warning, be uncomfortable, painful and annoying. In most case, symptoms pass just as quickly as they begin, or, certainly within a few days. When stomach pain continues, a doctor will note the symptoms to ensure the pain is not indicative of more serious problems. Stomach pains occur with varying degrees of intensity. Constipation, a virus or, menstrual cramps may be problematic at times but are manageable unless symptoms become extremely painful or chronic. Heavy blood flow and pain experienced during the menstrual cycle may be indicative of endometriosis and continuous constipation or diarrhea bouts could indicate IBS or even Crohn’s disease. It is useful to keep a pattern of pain experienced and a note of any food eaten, recording dates as there may be food allergies or even an intolerance to gluten or lactose. If abdominal pain intensifies, or if it does not dissipate, then it is worth seeking medical advice.
There are so many causes of abdominal pain and not all will be serious. However, it is important for the doctor to provide a thorough physical examination, asking many questions regarding the symptoms so to build up a picture of possible causes. This will include verifying the type of pain whether a dull, continuous ache or a sharp, stabbing pain. Discussing any notes made about food is eaten and, any stressors in life could indicate additional reasons and there may be the need for further tests.
Although common, the cause of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is still unknown. It is thought that there is an increased sensitivity of the intestines and difficulty digesting food. Food would normally move through the digestive system through the intestinal muscles squeezing and then, relaxing rhythmically. In IBS, this may not occur. Food may progress too quickly along the intestinal tract or, too slowly. When too quickly, diarrhea occurs as there is insufficient time for the water to be absorbed from the food and if, too slowly, this causes constipation as too much water has been absorbed. Bile acid malabsorption may also be responsible. It is also thought that there may be some psychological factors such as stress or trauma. IBS can cause constant stomach pain and uncomfortable bloating. There are many symptoms of IBS which could be indicative of conditions such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, so do not ignore these symptoms.
Where there are peptic ulcers, stomach pain will be noticeable. Gastric ulcers occur on the inside of the stomach whereas duodenal ulcers are open sores that occur in the small intestine. Bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) along with the too much-extended use of aspirin or ibuprofen may be significant causes.
Symptoms include:
- Bloating
- Burning pain
- Nausea
- Heartburn
The digestive process may make the symptoms and pain worse but, eating foods which will not aggravate or, taking medication to reduce stomach acid, may help. Peptic ulcers occur when the lining of the small intestine or the stomach is eaten away by acid leaving painful open sores. The body naturally protects against this through coating the digestive tract with a layer of mucous but, when acid increases or, mucus decreases, ulcers can develop.
Any continuous abdominal pains must always be treated seriously. Where there is bloating, abdominal pain or back pain, it is worth seeking medical advice.