Pain is the number one cause of absenteeism from the workplace and if you are suffering from chronic pain, you will know how it can completely change lives. It can lead to other problems which include depression and anxiety and can even affect your relationships with those around you. Severe back pain, constant stomach pain, and chronic head or joint pain will all severely inhibit your normal activities, to the point where you cannot function properly anymore. It’s important to seek professional help.


What is the difference between acute pain and chronic pain?


  • Acute pain generally describes a trauma type pain that can last up to three months. Normally, the original injury heals, and medication used to help with pain management is slowly weaned off.

  • Chronic pain is much more consistent and would last for much longer periods of time. This would indicate an ongoing issue and any pain management program would have to reflect that. With chronic pain, the type of drugs would need to be carefully monitored in case there are long-term side-effects.


Chronic neck and back pain


The neck and back are areas which often suffer from chronic pain. It is easy to experience damage here and this can be debilitating. Neck pain may lead to intense headaches as well and back pain will limit ease of movement. Often arthritis will be the cause but luckily, there are several pain management solutions that can ease this.


  • Facet Joint Injections
  • Medial Branch Block
  • Radio Frequency Ablation
  • Sacroiliac Joint Injection


These minimally invasive treatments reduce the negative aspects of some pain management treatments which can sometimes lead to stomach pain and other issues in the body. These effects may build up over time if taking certain pain management medications although, they will often treat chronic pain effectively.


Facet Joint injections are very efficient at relieving pain caused by conditions such as arthritis which can occur in any area of the spine. A steroid drug is injected into a highly-targeted area and patients state that relief is obtainable for several months. This treatment can be repeated.


A medial branch block is again an injection, but it provides you with extra relief as it blocks the small sensory nerves that send signals out. This can provide you with pain relief for a three-months or more period and the treatment can be repeated.


A radio frequency ablation is often used after a medial branch block as a follow-up treatment. This amazing breakthrough treatment can provide you with long-term relief from pain which can last for as long as eighteen months. It works by applying thermal energy around the painful areas. A sacroiliac injection targets the SI joint and if this treatment is needed, your doctor will use image placement to pinpoint the accuracy of this treatment. This is again a steroid-based treatment but aimed specifically at the SI joint.


Although severe problems are rare, they can happen, so, if you feel discomfort, seek medical advice straight away. Infections may occur so if you see any inflammation or reddening around the site of the injection, you do need to consult your doctor. The whole object of these treatments is to gain relief from constant pain and so, if you are still in pain thereafter, do talk to your doctor. There are many different procedures that a good Pain Management Center can offer. Mostly, these are not evasive but, consider all options for freedom of pain.