Brain freeze is a cold stimulated headache which is medically known as sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia. However, some people may experience a brain freeze headache for no reason and may want to know how to deal with it.

While in most cases, brain freeze typically diminishes within two to three minutes sans treatment, other episodes may need some kind of intervention.

Symptoms of a brain freeze

Typical symptoms of this condition involve experiencing sharp and sudden pain. The intense pain may go on for a few seconds to a minute or so.  Most often it will depend on the amount of cold food or drink the person consumes or even how fast they consume it.

Brain freeze symptoms start when a cold item comes in contact with the mouth palate or the back of the throat. This causes small blood vessels in the area to first constrict and then quickly dilate. Pain receptors located near these vessels sense the discomfort and transmit the message which is forwarded to the brain. These symptoms may be inconvenient, but are harmless and do not cause headaches in everyone.

However, when the cause of a headache is not cold induced and happens for no apparent reason, people may wish to get a second opinion about its cause.

Is there a connection between brain freeze and migraines?

One of the reasons for experiencing unexplained sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia may be linked to the cause of migraines. This theory holds support from the facts that people suffering from migraines are also more prone to experiencing brain freeze symptoms.

The underlying cause of migraine headaches is partially believed to be due to changes in blood flow to the brain among other factors. The same is also attributed to bringing on an episode of brain freeze.

So while the two conditions may not exactly be driven by the same trigger, understanding how brain freeze works can help better understand migraines.

What is sphenopalatine ganglion block?

Medically a brain freeze is known as sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia.  However, people who suffer from symptoms of a brain freeze without having consumed anything cold may wish to find treatments for their condition.

The condition can be particularly debilitating as people often report of accompanying persistent or chronic facial pain as well. For individuals who do not respond to conventional treatments, one option is to consider a sphenopalatine ganglion nerve block.

This is a minimally invasive injection devised to treat different pain syndromes. It can be sued to address concerns like cluster or migraine headaches, tongue, and mouth pain as well as post-traumatic headaches.

The injection is considered a safe and effective procedure for refractory head and face pain that requires very short-term monitoring. Once the procedure has been carried out a nurse will monitor patients for about half an hour to one hour, with instructions to rest for two to three days.

The procedure does require sedation, so patients are advised against driving for at least 24 hours.